CTEVT Free Scholarship for 560 Candidates for Pre-Diploma /Diploma /PCL

CTEVT Free Scholarship for 560 Candidates for Pre-Diploma, Diploma, or PCL: (CTEVT) Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, 80 local-level students who have not had access to technical education, urgent information about filling out the application form for the entrance examination in the special scholarship program for free study at the diploma level.


(CTEVT) Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, invited 160 students from underprivileged, Dalit, and Muslim communities across the country to study for free at the pre-diploma level and 400 students at the diploma certificate level.

According to the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, Technical Division’s Ch. No. 2112, dated 24/10/2019, as per the budget and program of the Government of Nepal for the financial year 2079/060, 160 people from underprivileged, Dalit, and Muslim students from all over the country are included in the following quota to maintain regional balance: 160 people at the pre-diploma level and 160 at the diploma or certificate level.

Since 400 people have to conduct an entrance examination for the selection of examinees to study technical education under the special scholarship program, free application forms have been invited from eligible Nepali citizens, so this notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training CTEVT

CTEVT Free Scholarship for 560 Candidates for Pre-Diploma Diploma PCL
CTEVT Free Scholarship for 560 Candidates for Pre-Diploma Diploma PCL
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